Freitag, 27. Juni 2014
Schweden - USA 0:1
Folgendes kam über das Funkgerät (Henning ist mein Zeuge und Anreger für diesen Post)
Kanal 16:
Nüchterne Männerstimme
- US Navy Ship Callsign XYZ for Swedish Coast Guard!
Schüchterne Frauenstimme
- This is US Navy Ship XYZ for Swedish Coastguard
- Please change to channel 13
- 13, OK
Nüchterne Männerstimme
- US Navy Ship Callsign XYZ for Swedish Coast Guard!
Immer noch schüchterne Frauenstimme
- This is US Navy Ship XYZ for Swedish Coastguard
- You are in Swedish waters now. You now you have to contact us at least one hour before this happens?
- Yeahyaaahh, please wait a minute....
Superarrogantekompetente Männerstimme, wie aus dem Bilderbuch
- Yeah, this is Lieutenantmasterchiefseargentcommander Snider. How can I (!) help you?
Immer noch nüchterne Männerstimme
- You are in Swedish waters, Sir. You now you have to contact us at least one hour before this happens? What is your intention?
- Yeah, I know and I apologize for that. We're underway to Karlskrona and would appreciate a prepared mooring there. Can you arrange that?
- You arrogant son of a bitch. What do you think happens, if any country crosses your border without making contact to your coast guard. You would fire rockets and bomb us underwater, no matter if someone apologizes or not!!! And now I can help you to moor your boat, and I better do, because I sure get a hell of trouble if I go to a confrontation here.
...das dachte er sich wohl. Gesagt hat er mit nicht mehr so nüchterner Stimme
- Aaaaaahhh, yes............I will call Karlskrona and come back with further information for you. Over.
- Yeaaah, great. Over and out!!